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Vitamin A 1500 I.U. ,Vitamin C 35mg ,Vitamin D3 400 I.U.,Vitamin E 5 I.U.

Vitamin B1 0.5mg ,Vitamin B2 0.6mg ,Niacin 8mg ,Vitamin B6 0.4mg ,Vitamin B12 2mcg


Pack size: 50mL



This product is a standard formula which is specially designed for infants, which can promote infant's healthy growth.


Direction of use:

Suitable for children below 1 year. 1 drop each time. Turn the bottle upside down without shaking the bottle.

Drip on mother's nipple or a clean finger directly. Tighten the cap after use and store it in a cool place.

Take it 1 time per day, 1ml each time (the sanitary dropper is engraved with 1.0ml. as the boundary) or as directed by your doctor if a larger amount is needed.

You can add milk or juice together with this product.



Keep away from children. Store it in a cool place. Do not use if the seal is broken. This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poison Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.


Product origin: USA

Eight Degree - Multivitamin for infants and toddlers 50mL


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